architect & energize your story

Circle with 8 segments (like a pizzia pia), with lightening bolts striking between each segment.

The stories you love have a solid foundation and powerful energy. Make sure yours do, too.

Are you like me, and like many writers I know? It’s easy enough to put words on the page. (After we get past the hump of “I’m no good at this. Who do I think I am?”)

But how do we make sense of all those words? How do we know if we have a story that works?

When you understand the foundations of story—the structure and the power—then you're smarter about how to write it.

StoryJoules is a visual tool to plan or revise your story architecture and energy.

When you create a story that works, readers won’t complain about an ending that came too soon, or a plot twist that seemed random. They'll simply be lost in the world of your story.

It doesn't have to be complicated. Get StoryJoules!

PS: If you're looking for the StoryWheel, you're in the right place.

Use Story⚡️Joules to plot your novel! Your memoir!

Wouldn't it be great to have a story structure model that makes sense just looking at it?

One that pulls together both the architecture and narrative drive of a compelling story?

As one reader said, "I GOT IT. For the first time ever. "

You can have it too!

(for FREE!)

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